Hello & Welcome to my site

My name is David Royer and I’m a Full Stack Developer with 6+ years of experience in web development. My primary areas of focus and expertise are JavaScript, Vue.js, and Nuxt.js.

A few of my more popular Github repos are listed in the section below if you'd like to see some of my work.

You can also check out my Blog to see the articles I've written.

My Popular Repos

Vue2 Editor
2520 361
A text editor using Vue.js and Quill
Nuxt SSR Firebase
278 61
Nuxt.js Universal App with SSR via Firebase Functions and Firebase Hosting
Nuxt Firebase Auth
189 34
This is an example of using Nuxt.js in SPA mode with Firebase Authentication
Nuxt SSR Firebase Auth.v2
127 38
Nuxt Api Example
123 25
Nuxt.js API Example using Vuex and axios
Nuxt SSR Firebase Auth
72 20
Nuxt.js using SSR and Firebase with Authentication