Tips After Building a Site with Nuxt.js

Tip 1 - Learn Vuex

I put off on learning Vuex for a long time, and used simpler ways of handling global state. When I took the time to understand Vuex though, it paid off greatly when working with Nuxt.js.

Tip 2 - Using Middleware for Mobile Menus

When a link was clicked using the mobile menu, it would stay open instead of closing before transitioning routes. I wanted the menu to close on route change.

A couple things needed to happen to accomplish this. (Disclaimer: I am using Vuex for state management)

  1. Use Vuex to keep track of my menu state.
state: {
  menuIsActive: false
mutations: {
  toggleMenuState (state) {
    state.menuIsActive = !state.menuIsActive
  1. Add a function to the middleware directory. It checks if the menu is active. If so, toggle that state (making it inactive).
// This is `middleware/menu.js`

export default function ({ store }) {
  if (store.state.menuIsActive === true) {
  1. Register this middleware to run when the route changes by adding it inside nuxt.config.js. It is set to menu because our middleware file name is menu.js.
router: {
  middleware: 'menu'

Tip 3 - Performance

I personally believe using the PWA Module is the easiest modification one can do for the biggest impact on his/her site. While customization is possible, it’s not required. All that’s needed to begin reaping the benefits is adding 1 line to the modules sections of nuxt.config.js like so:

// `nuxt.config.js`

module.exports = {
  modules: ['@nuxtjs/pwa']

Also, I wanted to use a Google font via CDN but received a performance warning when testing with Lighthouse. I was able to eliminate the warning by preloading the font in nuxt.config.js.


// `nuxt.config.js`

module.exports = {
  head: {
    link: [
        rel: 'preload',
        as: 'style',
        href: ''